VGP - Vertebrate Genomes Project assembly hubs, assembly statistics

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This assembly hub contains assemblies released by the Vertebrate Genomes Project. (set of legacy/superseded assemblies)

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(gap size sum)
1 African grass rat (paternal X 2020 refseq) Arvicanthis niloticus GCF_011762505.1_mArvNil1.pat.X 1,595 2,496,761,438 1,624 20,289,527 37.17
2 African grass rat (v1 paternal X 2020 genbank) Arvicanthis niloticus GCA_011762505.1_mArvNil1.pat.X 1,596 2,496,777,707 1,624 20,289,527 37.17
3 African savanna elephant (hap2 2023 genbank) Loxodonta africana GCA_030014295.1_mLoxAfr1.hap2 880 3,540,893,228 231 3,688,568 49.48
4 Andian cavefish (hap1 2023 genbank) Trichomycterus rosablanca GCA_030014385.1_fTriRos1.hap1 349 1,045,025,885 198 39,600 49.04
5 Anna's hummingbird (BGI_N300 2019 genbank) Calypte anna GCA_003957555.2_bCalAnn1_v1.p 160 1,059,706,240 429 16,096,788 20.87
6 Arabian camel (paternal hap 2024 genbank) Camelus dromedarius GCA_036321535.1_mCamDro1.pat 172 2,306,619,778 195 39,000 33.51
7 Atlantic bluefin tuna (primary hap 2024 genbank) Thunnus thynnus GCA_963924715.1_fThuThy2.1 120 799,063,593 468 93,600 33.12
8 Atlantic halibut (primary hap 2019 genbank) Hippoglossus hippoglossus GCA_009819705.1_fHipHip1.pri 57 596,792,676 290 3,413,390 24.17
9 Atlantic mackerel (primary hap 2023 genbank) Scomber scombrus GCA_963691925.1_fScoSco1.1 666 764,157,853 1,489 297,822 29.96
10 Atlantic stingray (hap1 2023 genbank) Hypanus sabinus GCA_030144855.1_sHypSab1.hap1 2,990 4,044,886,845 1,648 329,600 51.80
11 ballan wrasse (primary hap 2024 genbank) Labrus bergylta GCA_963930695.1_fLabBer1.1 132 720,227,340 815 163,000 30.38
12 band-tailed pigeon (v1 hap2 2024 genbank) Patagioenas fasciata GCA_036971685.1_bPatFas1.hap2 453 1,410,058,165 219 8,369,264 31.75
13 barn swallow (v2 primary hap 2021 refseq) Hirundo rustica GCF_015227805.1_bHirRus1.pri.v2 617 1,105,955,550 1,102 25,534,411 21.06
14 barn swallow (v3 primary hap 2021 genbank) Hirundo rustica GCA_015227805.3_bHirRus1.pri.v3 617 1,105,955,550 1,102 25,534,411 21.06
15 black rhinoceros (primary hap 2021 genbank) Diceros bicornis minor GCA_020826845.1_mDicBic1.mat.cur 1,075 3,005,519,209 215 1,368,861 40.15
16 black-headed gull (primary hap 2024 genbank) Chroicocephalus ridibundus GCA_963924245.1_bChrRid1.1 729 1,417,571,123 462 92,400 31.33
17 black-legged kittiwake (bRisTri1.patW 2023 genbank) Rissa tridactyla GCA_028500815.1_bRisTri1.patW.cur.20221130 716 1,353,621,101 283 786,373 26.72
18 blackcap (primary hap 2019 genbank) Sylvia atricapilla GCA_009819655.1_bSylAtr1.pri 189 1,066,786,587 413 11,925,354 19.80
19 Blainville's beaked whale (primary hap 2022 genbank) Mesoplodon densirostris GCA_025265405.1_mMesDen1_primary_haplotype 73 2,683,375,131 97 700,303 41.79
20 blue whale (alternate hap JJ_BM4_2016_0621 2019) Balaenoptera musculus GCA_008658375.1_mBalMus1_alternate 12,574 1,876,085,767 0 0 43.51
21 blue whale (JJ_BM4_2016_0621 v2 2020) Balaenoptera musculus GCA_009873245.2_mBalMus1.v2 130 2,380,012,384 936 25,929,252 43.78
22 blunt-snouted clingfish (v1 2019 genbank) Gouania willdenowi GCA_900634775.1_fGouWil2.1 441 937,150,793 1,160 14,353,515 42.93
23 blunt-snouted clingfish (v1 2019 refseq) Gouania willdenowi GCF_900634775.1_fGouWil2.1 441 937,150,793 1,160 14,353,515 42.93
24 Bornean orangutan (v1 AG05252 alternate hap 2023 genbank) Pongo pygmaeus GCA_028885525.1_NHGRI_mPonPyg2-v1.1-hic.freeze_alt 215 3,038,229,980 36 3,505,721 54.20
25 Bornean orangutan (v1 AG05252 primary hap 2023 refseq) Pongo pygmaeus GCF_028885625.1_NHGRI_mPonPyg2-v1.1-hic.freeze_pri 1,554 3,249,335,160 39 4,474,152 54.36
26 bowfin (hap1 2024 genbank) Amia calva GCA_036373705.1_fAmiCal2.hap1 390 989,120,851 97 19,400 37.74
27 brown anole (maternal hap 2024 genbank) Anolis sagrei GCA_037176765.1_rAnoSag1.mat 29 1,950,830,970 191 38,200 46.73
28 budgerigar (maternal Z 2020 genbank) Melopsittacus undulatus GCA_012275295.1_bMelUnd1.mat.Z 865 1,171,635,651 284 3,236,129 22.13
29 California sea lion (alternate hap 2019) Zalophus californianus GCA_009762295.1_mZalCal1.alt 3,093 1,970,798,971 0 0 42.94
30 California sea lion (v1 2019) Zalophus californianus GCA_009762305.1_mZalCal1.pri 43 2,408,658,503 122 17,343,033 43.41
31 Canada lynx (alternate hap LIC74 2019) Lynx canadensis GCA_007474575.1_mLynCan4_v1.alt 15,033 1,415,234,291 3 143 43.55
32 Canada lynx (LIC74 v1 2019) Lynx canadensis GCF_007474595.1_mLynCan4_v1.p 66 2,408,883,772 848 2,778,737 43.75
33 channel bull blenny (2019 genbank) Cottoperca gobio GCA_900634415.1_fCotGob3.1 322 609,391,784 445 2,553,975 28.72
34 chimpanzee (v1 AG18354 alternate hap 2023 genbank) Pan troglodytes GCA_028858805.1_NHGRI_mPanTro3-v1.1-hic.freeze_alt 119 3,015,383,096 22 6,632,458 48.80
35 chimpanzee (v1 AG18354 primary hap 2023 refseq) Pan troglodytes GCF_028858775.1_NHGRI_mPanTro3-v1.1-hic.freeze_pri 1,471 3,225,356,997 29 3,176,996 50.12
36 climbing perch (v1.2 2018 genbank) Anabas testudineus GCA_900324465.2_fAnaTes1.2 50 555,641,398 266 3,606,496 21.33
37 climbing perch (v1.2 2018 refseq) Anabas testudineus GCF_900324465.2_fAnaTes1.2 51 555,658,001 266 3,606,496 21.33
38 common bottlenose dolphin (maternal Y genbank 2020) Tursiops truncatus GCA_011762595.1_mTurTru1.mat.Y 362 2,378,522,214 674 6,222,516 46.05
39 common brushtail (genbank 2020) Trichosurus vulpecula GCA_011100635.1_mTriVul1.pri 212 3,359,347,793 1,796 18,696,463 40.57
40 common cuckoo (bCucCan1 primary hap 2021 genbank) Cuculus canorus GCA_017976375.1_bCucCan1.pri 151 1,180,156,273 296 4,922,315 21.81
41 common spadefoot toad (primary hap 2024 genbank) Pelobates fuscus GCA_036172605.1_aPelFus1.pri 160 3,606,474,367 349 69,626 51.45
42 common swift (bApuApu2 2021 genbank) Apus apus GCA_020740795.1_bApuApu2.pri.cur 109 1,100,361,224 256 1,747,529 21.21
43 common vampire bat (v1 HL8 primary hap 2022 genbank) Desmodus rotundus GCA_022682495.1_HLdesRot8A 572 2,113,473,284 611 255,063 32.58
44 common vampire bat (v1 HL8 primary hap 2022 refseq) Desmodus rotundus GCF_022682495.1_HLdesRot8A 573 2,113,489,943 611 255,063 32.58
45 corroboree frog (hap2 2023 genbank) Pseudophryne corroboree GCA_028390025.1_aPseCor3.hap2 3,127 8,872,758,793 2,699 21,212,457 75.08
46 denticle herring (v1 2019) Denticeps clupeoides GCF_900700375.1_fDenClu1.1 460 567,401,054 464 4,648,387 28.83
47 downy woodpecker (bDryPub1 primary hap 2020) Dryobates pubescens GCA_014839835.1_bDryPub1.pri 181 1,187,956,536 187 4,003,130 32.06
48 eastern happy (v2 2018) Astatotilapia calliptera GCF_900246225.1_fAstCal1.2 249 880,445,564 490 1,186,663 30.80
49 emu (v1 ZJU1.0 2020) Dromaius novaehollandiae GCA_016128335.1_ZJU1.0 802 1,247,468,792 512 46,323 19.17
50 epaulette shark (2021 genbank) Hemiscyllium ocellatum GCA_020745735.1_sHemOce1.pat.X.cur. 1,963 3,983,483,121 3,716 77,564,682 43.90
51 Eurasian red squirrel (v1.1 2019) Sciurus vulgaris GCA_902686455.1_mSciVul1.1 638 2,878,591,032 1,177 163,358,994 33.78
52 Eurasian water vole (v1 2020) Arvicola amphibius GCF_903992535.1_mArvAmp1.1 216 2,297,765,997 872 6,026,660 32.43
53 European flounder (primary hap 2023 genbank) Platichthys flesus GCA_949316205.1_fPlaFle2.1 109 597,138,466 482 96,400 27.15
54 European pond turtle (hap1 2023 genbank) Emys orbicularis GCA_028017835.1_rEmyOrb1.hap1 106 2,309,740,635 148 3,324,230 35.43
55 European smelt (primary hap 2023 genbank) Osmerus eperlanus GCA_963692335.1_fOsmEpe2.1 1,008 508,737,883 2,462 492,400 35.91
56 European turtle dove (v1.1 alternate hap 2019) Streptopelia turtur GCA_901699165.1_bStrTur1.1_alternate_haplotype 3,333 1,035,214,426 0 0 20.26
57 European turtle dove (v1.1 primary hap 2019) Streptopelia turtur GCA_901699155.1_bStrTur1.1 357 1,178,928,410 894 3,876,374 21.07
58 European woodmouse (2022 genbank) Apodemus sylvaticus GCA_947179515.1_mApoSyl1.1 498 2,889,801,511 1,129 225,617 40.60
59 false killer whale (hap1 2024 genbank) Pseudorca crassidens GCA_039906515.1_mPseCra1.hap1 439 2,674,608,476 123 2,797,992 41.86
60 flier cichlid (MPI-CPG 2019 genbank) Archocentrus centrarchus GCA_007364275.2_fArcCen1 189 932,947,025 744 16,903,477 30.69
61 Florida worm lizard (hap2 2023 genbank) Rhineura floridana GCA_030035675.1_rRhiFlo1.hap2 77 2,307,436,586 242 6,466,284 45.32
62 Gaboon caecilian (v1.1 2019 genbank) Geotrypetes seraphini GCA_902459505.1_aGeoSer1.1 163 3,779,413,726 433 5,502,713 52.86
63 gilthead seabream (v1 2019) Sparus aurata GCF_900880675.1_fSpaAur1.1 176 833,595,063 1,050 342,268 25.72
64 golden eagle (v1.2 2019) Aquila chrysaetos chrysaetos GCF_900496995.1_bAquChr1.2 142 1,203,454,851 191 4,639,807 19.26
65 golden eagle (v1.2 alternate hap 2019) Aquila chrysaetos chrysaetos GCA_902153765.1_bAquChr1.2_alternate_haplotype 3,860 823,060,160 39 561,510 19.26
66 great cormorant (primary hap 2024 genbank) Phalacrocorax carbo GCA_963921805.1_bPhaCar2.1 351 1,283,643,005 493 98,600 22.67
67 great fruit-eating bat (v1 hap1 2024) Artibeus lituratus GCA_038363095.1_mArtLit.hap1 419 2,293,600,955 81 12,100 34.66
68 great potoo (primary hap 2020 genbank) Nyctibius grandis GCA_013368605.1_bNycGra1.pri 191 1,256,414,880 243 6,139,133 23.97
69 greater horseshoe bat (v1 MPI-CBG 2019 genbank) Rhinolophus ferrumequinum GCA_004115265.2_mRhiFer1_v1.p 135 2,075,785,400 158 7,546,098 34.90
70 greater horseshoe bat (v1 MPI-CBG 2019 refseq) Rhinolophus ferrumequinum GCF_004115265.1_mRhiFer1_v1.p 134 2,075,768,562 158 7,546,098 34.90
71 greater pipefish (v1.1 2019) Syngnathus acus GCA_901709675.1_fSynAcu1.1 87 324,331,233 43 13,700 25.95
72 greater sac-winged bat (primary hap 2024 genbank) Saccopteryx bilineata GCA_036850765.1_mSacBil1_pri_phased_curated 257 2,612,326,447 468 33,092,045 43.30
73 green sea turtle (v1 2020) Chelonia mydas GCF_015237465.1_rCheMyd1.pri 99 2,134,593,249 294 11,959,915 31.97
74 grey whale (primary hap 2023 genbank) Eschrichtius robustus GCA_028021215.1_mEscRob2.pri 704 2,982,434,994 279 55,800 46.40
75 harbor porpoise (primary hap 2024 genbank) Phocoena phocoena GCA_963924675.1_mPhoPho1.1 440 2,512,729,496 966 193,200 39.05
76 hourglass treefrog (paternal 2023 genbank) Dendropsophus ebraccatus GCA_027789765.1_aDenEbr1.pat 2,200 2,214,937,069 804 6,692,944 51.44
77 house finch (primary hap 2022 genbank) Haemorhous mexicanus GCA_027477595.1_bHaeMex1.pri 183 1,148,216,196 295 11,207,145 23.53
78 house sparrow (hap1 2024 genbank) Passer domesticus GCA_036417665.1_bPasDom1.hap1 334 1,310,114,252 202 40,400 30.41
79 Indian glassy fish (v1 2019) Parambassis ranga GCF_900634625.1_fParRan2.1 156 551,012,959 1,523 10,561,548 25.10
80 kakapo (Jane v2 2020 genbank) Strigops habroptila GCA_004027225.2_bStrHab1.2.pri 90 1,148,615,375 373 10,544,081 20.53
81 Korean giant-fin mudskipper (v1 primary hap 2020 genbank) Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus GCA_009829125.1_fPerMag1.pri 124 752,621,857 700 7,178,561 39.10
82 Korean giant-fin mudskipper (v1 primary hap 2020 refseq) Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus GCF_009829125.1_fPerMag1.pri 124 752,621,858 700 7,178,561 39.10
83 lanner falcon (bFalBia1 primary hap 2022 genbank) Falco biarmicus GCA_023638135.1_bFalBia1.pri 397 1,285,492,283 158 2,152,808 23.59
84 leatherback sea turtle (v1 2019 genbank G10K) Dermochelys coriacea GCA_009764565.1_rDerCor1.pri 55 2,165,403,198 558 5,729,700 34.13
85 leatherback sea turtle (v1 alternate hap 2019) Dermochelys coriacea GCA_009762595.1_rDerCor1.alt 8,982 1,443,623,898 0 0 33.04
86 leatherback sea turtle (v3 2020 refseq G10K) Dermochelys coriacea GCF_009764565.2_rDerCor1.pri.v3 40 2,164,762,090 667 5,594,612 34.21
87 lesser kestrel (v1 2021) Falco naumanni GCF_017639655.1_bFalNau1.pat 291 1,215,719,379 298 4,077,287 19.20
88 lesser rhea (primary hap 2023 genbank) Rhea pennata GCA_028389875.1_bPtePen1.pri 179 1,269,000,025 128 1,451,673 22.80
89 lesser sac-winged bat (primary hap 2024 genbank) Saccopteryx leptura GCA_036850995.1_mSacLep1_pri_phased_curated 167 2,576,497,192 573 19,614,433 42.31
90 lesser salmon catfish (primary hap 2023 genbank) Neoarius graeffei GCA_027579695.1_fNeoGra1.pri 38 2,341,916,362 334 13,260,140 62.77
91 live sharksucker (v1 2019) Echeneis naucrates GCF_900963305.1_fEcheNa1.1 38 544,229,245 140 599,356 21.82
92 lumpfish (primary hap 2019 genbank) Cyclopterus lumpus GCA_009769545.1_fCycLum1.pri 49 572,902,877 347 10,182,204 28.09
93 mimic poison frog (primary hap 2023 genbank) Ranitomeya imitator GCA_032444005.1_aRanImi1.pri 1,673 5,956,630,009 765 80,159 77.60
94 mute swan (bCygOlo1 v1 alternate hap 2019) Cygnus olor GCA_009769485.1_bCygOlo1.alt 5,613 814,162,536 3 85 19.97
95 mute swan (v1 primary hap 2019) Cygnus olor GCA_009769625.1_bCygOlo1.pri 181 1,135,009,278 446 10,642,469 21.24
96 Nelson's sparrow (bAmmNel1 primary hap 2023 genbank) Ammospiza nelsoni GCA_027579445.1_bAmmNel1.pri 77 1,185,463,352 215 5,092,979 25.88
97 New Zealand spotty (primary hap 2019 genbank) Notolabrus celidotus GCA_009762535.1_fNotCel1.pri 468 846,760,650 1,135 14,268,481 33.39
98 Nicobar pigeon (hap1 2024 genbank) Caloenas nicobarica GCA_036013445.1_bCalNic1.hap1 807 1,285,851,275 117 20,400 28.09
99 ninespine stickleback (primary hap 2023 genbank) Pungitius pungitius GCA_949316345.1_fPunPun2.1 175 480,450,674 738 147,600 28.40
100 North Atlantic right whale (hap2 2023 genbank) Eubalaena glacialis GCA_028564815.1_mEubGla1.hap2 779 2,832,194,838 363 4,859,315 44.01
101 North Island brown kiwi (hap1 2024 genbank) Apteryx mantelli GCA_036417845.1_bAptMan1.hap1 409 1,504,415,252 170 34,000 27.67
102 northern pike (primary hap 2020 genbank) Esox lucius GCA_011004845.1_fEsoLuc1.pri 53 918,749,000 112 1,022,735 32.97
103 northern pintail (primary hap 2024 genbank) Anas acuta GCA_963932015.1_bAnaAcu1.1 395 1,189,313,589 631 125,881 25.92
104 pale spear-nosed bat (alternate hap MPI-MPIP 2019) Phyllostomus discolor GCA_004115245.1_mPhyDis1_v1.h 10,835 2,050,602,545 38 18,868 29.66
105 pale spear-nosed bat (MPI-MPIP v1 2019) Phyllostomus discolor GCF_004126475.1_mPhyDis1_v1.p 141 2,117,764,065 831 22,966,458 30.49
106 Papuan ground boa (hap2 2024 genbank) Candoia aspera GCA_035149785.1_rCanAsp1.hap2 150 1,530,827,941 101 20,200 33.56
107 peregrine falcon (bFalPer1 primary hap 2022 genbank) Falco peregrinus GCA_023634155.1_bFalPer1.pri 124 1,311,580,791 232 4,014,385 24.67
108 Philippine flying lemur (primary hap 2022 genbank) Cynocephalus volans GCA_027409185.1_mCynVol1.pri 131 2,814,434,834 116 32,500 39.52
109 pig-tailed macaque (mMacNem1hap1 2024 genbank) Macaca nemestrina GCA_043159975.1_mMacNem.hap1 362 3,116,305,216 260 45,400 53.54
110 platypus (Pmale09 v3 2020) Ornithorhynchus anatinus GCA_004115215.3_mOrnAna1.pri.v3 322 1,859,281,749 515 15,158,118 51.26
111 prehistoric monster fish (2019 genbank) Thalassophryne amazonica GCA_902500255.1_fThaAma1.1 464 2,446,592,878 2,554 12,594,266 59.92
112 pygmy chimpanzee (v1 primary hap 2023) Pan paniscus GCF_029289425.1_NHGRI_mPanPan1-v1.1-0.1.freeze_pri 443 3,271,621,005 8 1,240,299 43.81
113 pygmy sperm whale (mKogBre1 haplotype 1 2022 genbank) Kogia breviceps GCA_026419965.1_mKogBre1_haplotype_1 580 2,555,838,840 143 4,797,769 39.97
114 red-fronted tinkerbird (primary hap 2020 genbank) Pogoniulus pusillus GCA_015220805.1_bPogPus1.pri 253 1,272,358,903 307 6,012,757 35.91
115 reedfish (2019) Erpetoichthys calabaricus GCF_900747795.1_fErpCal1.1 1,885 3,811,038,701 5,614 238,294,611 44.57
116 reedfish (v1 alternate hap 2019) Erpetoichthys calabaricus GCA_900700845.2_fErpCal1.1_alternate_haplotype 38,593 2,607,661,443 5 52,479 45.67
117 river trout (v1 2019) Salmo trutta GCF_901001165.1_fSalTru1.1 1,441 2,371,880,186 3,941 73,600,705 52.45
118 rock pigeon (v1 racing homer paternal W 2024) Columba livia GCA_036013475.1_bColLiv1.pat.W 870 1,325,583,211 248 46,800 29.94
119 rock pigeon (v2 racing homer 2024 genbank) Columba livia GCA_036013475.2_bColLiv1.pat.W.v2 870 1,325,583,311 249 46,900 29.94
120 saddleback dolphin (v1 primary hap 2023 genbank) Delphinus delphis GCA_949987515.1_mDelDel1.1 631 2,663,533,373 968 193,431 42.65
121 saddleback dolphin (v1 primary hap 2023 refseq) Delphinus delphis GCF_949987515.1_mDelDel1.1 630 2,663,516,986 968 193,431 42.65
122 Saker falcon (bFalChe1 primary hap 2022 genbank) Falco cherrug GCA_023634085.1_bFalChe1.pri 282 1,309,366,964 258 3,961,655 24.96
123 saltmarsh sparrow (bAmmCau1 primary hap 2023 genbank) Ammospiza caudacuta GCA_027887145.1_bAmmCau1.pri 282 1,241,209,685 363 2,919,107 29.04
124 San Diego alligator lizard (v1.0 HBS135686 primary hap 2022) Elgaria multicarinata webbii GCA_023053635.1_rElgMul1.0.p 85 1,790,509,355 23 2,300 40.44
125 San Diego alligator lizard (v1.1 HBS135686 primary hap 2024 genbank) Elgaria multicarinata webbii GCA_023053635.2_rElgMul1.1.pri 35 1,790,519,499 73 12,700 40.44
126 sardine (primary hap 2023 genbank) Sardina pilchardus GCA_963854185.1_fSarPil1.1 241 869,414,035 1,654 330,800 37.59
127 sharpnose sevengill shark (hap1 2024 genbank) Heptranchias perlo GCF_035084215.1_sHepPer1.hap1 1,879 3,249,915,908 1,834 366,800 57.50
128 siamang (v1 Jambi primary hap 2023) Symphalangus syndactylus GCF_028878055.1_NHGRI_mSymSyn1-v1.1-hic.freeze_pri 605 3,182,923,232 1 100 56.01
129 siamang (v2 Jambi primary hap 2024 refseq) Symphalangus syndactylus GCF_028878055.2_NHGRI_mSymSyn1-v2.0_pri 27 3,262,904,224 2 1,000,001 55.90
130 Siamese fighting fish (v1 alternate hap 2019) Betta splendens GCA_900651605.1_fBetSpl5.1_alternate_haplotype 3,705 426,643,682 2 125 22.60
131 Siamese fighting fish (v2 primary hap 2019) Betta splendens GCF_900634795.2_fBetSpl5.2 70 441,388,503 328 29,269 23.93
132 Siamese fighting fish (v3 primary hap 2020) Betta splendens GCF_900634795.3_fBetSpl5.3 70 441,388,503 328 29,269 23.93
133 Skyros wall lizard (v1 hap1 2024) Podarcis gaigeae GCA_964106915.1_rPodGai1.hap1.1 211 1,514,643,635 883 176,600 38.22
134 smalltooth sawfish (v2 primary hap 2019 genbank) Pristis pectinata GCA_009764475.1_sPriPec2.pri 173 2,267,857,790 698 20,562,876 38.20
135 song sparrow (primary hap 2024 genbank) Melospiza melodia melodia GCA_035770615.1_bMelMel2.pri 354 1,541,261,971 299 1,079,098 39.28
136 speckled mousebird (hap1 2023 genbank) Colius striatus GCA_028858725.1_bColStr4.hap1 189 1,123,441,015 143 5,827,944 23.45
137 sterlet (v1 paternal hap 2020) Acipenser ruthenus GCA_902713435.1_fAciRut3.1_paternal_haplotype 224 1,663,879,616 422 83,585 39.19
138 Sumatran orangutan (v1 AG06213 primary hap 2023) Pongo abelii GCF_028885655.1_NHGRI_mPonAbe1-v1.1-hic.freeze_pri 2,611 3,365,490,689 59 7,178,544 55.11
139 Swainson's thrush (bCatUst1 v1 alternate hap 2019) Catharus ustulatus GCA_009819505.1_bCatUst1.alt 3,601 1,128,658,440 13 343 22.74
140 Swainson's thrush (v1 primary hap 2019) Catharus ustulatus GCF_009819885.1_bCatUst1.pri 161 1,131,616,430 428 12,903,595 22.52
141 swamp sparrow (bMelGeo1 primary hap 2023 genbank) Melospiza georgiana GCA_028018845.1_bMelGeo1.pri 40 1,162,015,399 236 1,233,091 24.53
142 thorny skate (v1 CabotCenter1 v1 2020 refseq) Amblyraja radiata GCF_010909765.1_sAmbRad1.pri 957 2,558,784,953 3,753 190,972,533 52.28
143 thorny skate (v1 primary hap CabotCenter1 2020 genbank) Amblyraja radiata GCA_010909765.1_sAmbRad1.pri 958 2,558,801,738 3,753 190,972,533 52.28
144 torafugu (fTakRub1.2 2019 refseq) Takifugu rubripes GCF_901000725.2_fTakRub1.2 128 384,126,662 402 3,688,529 20.93
145 trahira (v1 hap1 2024 refseq) Hoplias malabaricus GCF_029633855.1_fHopMal1.hap1 598 1,186,371,479 989 65,101,941 37.57
146 village indigobird (merged hap OUT-0048 2022 genbank) Vidua chalybeata GCA_026979565.1_bVidCha1_merged_haplotype 178 1,080,457,469 458 165,531 20.96
147 western European hedgehog (primary hap 2023 genbank) Erinaceus europaeus GCA_950295315.1_mEriEur2.1 1,175 2,720,701,264 3,760 752,000 54.51
148 western lowland gorilla (v1.1 KB3781 2023) Gorilla gorilla gorilla GCF_029281585.1_NHGRI_mGorGor1-v1.1-0.2.freeze_pri 637 3,600,562,452 38 5,248,239 51.22
149 white leghorn X broiler chicken (v1 leghorn haplotype v1 2021) Gallus gallus GCF_016700215.1_bGalGal1.pat.whiteleghornlayer.GRCg7w 255 953,182,234 254 3,312,879 20.28
150 white-beaked dolphin (primary hap 2023 genbank) Lagenorhynchus albirostris GCA_949774975.1_mLagAlb1.1 410 2,544,835,795 1,070 214,000 39.75
151 white-crowned manakin (hap1 2024 genbank) Pseudopipra pipra GCA_036250125.1_bDixPip1.hap1 697 1,165,219,370 323 64,600 21.92
152 white-tailed eagle (primary hap 2022 genbank) Haliaeetus albicilla GCA_947461875.1_bHalAlb1.1 188 1,320,298,205 424 84,800 23.68
153 white-throated dipper (primary hap 2023 genbank) Cinclus cinclus GCA_963662255.1_bCinCin1.1 278 1,170,855,695 658 131,600 26.63
154 white-tufted-ear marmoset (v1 paternal hap 2020) Callithrix jacchus GCA_011100535.1_mCalJac1.pat 336 2,682,316,413 788 11,206,679 49.24
155 zebra finch (alternate hap Black17 2018) Taeniopygia guttata GCA_003957525.1_bTaeGut1_v1.h 5,336 965,644,423 45 136,365 20.33
156 zebra finch (Blue55 female 2020 genbank) Taeniopygia guttata GCA_009859065.2_bTaeGut2.pri.v2 541 1,106,297,559 789 21,820,589 20.08
157 zebra finch (v1 Black17 2019 refseq) Taeniopygia guttata GCF_003957565.1_bTaeGut1_v1.p 135 1,058,012,133 312 2,334,250 21.55
158 zebra finch (v1 Black17 male 2019 genbank) Taeniopygia guttata GCA_003957565.2_bTaeGut1_v1.p 135 1,058,012,133 312 2,334,250 21.55
159 zig-zag eel (v1.2 2019 refseq) Mastacembelus armatus GCF_900324485.2_fMasArm1.2 123 591,951,587 238 13,231,344 23.47
TOTALS:total assembly count 159 183,834 288,441,888,272 100,644 1,767,921,047  
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