This file is from:

This directory contains compressed multiple alignments of
  23 drosophila sequences, house fly, anopheles mosquito,
  honey bee and red flour beetle.

Files in this directory:

dm6.27way.nh - Phylogenetic tree used for multiz alignment, UCSC database names
dm6.27way.commonNames.nh - same phylogenetic tree, simple names
dm6.27way.scientificNames.nh - same phylogenetic tree, scientific names
maf/*.maf.gz - alignments referenced to dm6, separate maf files for each
md5sum.txt - MD5 sums of these file to verify transmission

For a description of multiple alignment format (MAF), see

The phastCons data can be found at:

The phyloP data can be found at:

For more information about this data, see the track
description for the Conservation track:

Assemblies used in these alignments:                                (alignment

D. melanogaster      Aug. 2014  (BDGP Release 6 + ISO1 MT/dm6)       reference
D. simulans          Apr. 2005  (WUGSC 1.0/droSim1)                  syntenic
D. sechellia         Oct. 2005  (Broad/droSec1)                      syntenic
D. yakuba            Jun. 2006  (Flybase dyak_caf1/droYak3)          syntenic
D. erecta            Feb. 2006  (Agencourt CAF1/droEre2)             syntenic
D. biarmipes         Mar. 2013  (BCM Dbia_2.0/droBia2)               syntenic
D. suzukii           Sep. 2013  (BGI Dsuzukii.v01/droSuz1)           syntenic
D. ananassae         Feb. 2006  (Agencourt CAF1/droAna3)             syntenic
D. bipectinata       Mar. 2013  (BCM Dbip_2.0/droBip2)               syntenic
D. eugracilis        Mar. 2013  (modENCODE Deug_2.0/droEug2)         syntenic
D. elegans           Mar. 2013  (BCM Dele_2.0/droEle2)               syntenic
D. kikkawai          Mar. 2013  (BCM Dkik_2.0/droKik2)               syntenic
D. takahashii        Mar. 2013  (BCM Dtak_2.0/droTak2)               syntenic
D. rhopaloa          Feb. 2013  (modENCODE Drho_2.0/droRho2)         syntenic
D. ficusphila        Mar. 2013  (BCM Dfic_2.0/droFic2)               syntenic
D. pseudoobscura     Apr. 2013  (BCM Dpse_3.0/droPse3)               syntenic
D. persimilis        Oct. 2005  (Broad/droPer1)                      syntenic
D. miranda           Apr. 2013  (U.C. Berkeley DroMir_2.2/droMir2)   syntenic
D. willistoni        Aug. 2006  (JCVI dwil_caf1/droWil2)             syntenic
D. virilis           Feb. 2006  (Agencourt CAF1/droVir3)             syntenic
D. mojavensis        Feb. 2006  (Agencourt CAF1/droMoj3)             syntenic
D. albomicans        May. 2012  (Kunming DroAlb_1.0/droAlb1)         syntenic
D. grimshawi         Feb. 2006  (Agencourt CAF1/droGri2)             syntenic
Musca domestica      Apr. 2013  (Glossina M_domestica-2.0.2/musDom2) net
Anopheles gambiae    Feb. 2003  (IAGEC MOZ2/anoGam1)                 net
Apis mellifera       Nov. 2010  (BCM Amel_4.5/apiMel4)               net
Tribolium castaneum  Sep. 2005  (BCM 2.0/triCas2)                    net

To download a large file or multiple files from this directory, we recommend
that you use rsync or ftp rather than downloading the files via our website.

Via rsync:
rsync -avz --progress \
        rsync:// ./

Via FTP:
    user name: anonymous
    password: <your email address>
    go to the directory goldenPath/dm6/multiz27way

To download multiple files from the UNIX command line, use the "mget" command.
    mget <filename1> <filename2> ...
    - or -
    mget -a (to download all the files in the directory)
Use the "prompt" command to toggle the interactive mode if you do not want
to be prompted for each file that you download.

All the files in this directory are freely usable for any
purpose. For data use restrictions regarding the individual
genome assemblies, see
      Name                                                Last modified      Size  Description
Parent Directory - dm6.27way.scientificNames.nh 2014-11-14 09:06 1.3K dm6.27way.nh 2014-11-14 09:06 1.0K dm6.27way.commonNames.nh 2014-11-14 09:06 1.0K md5sum.txt 2014-11-20 09:47 169 maf/ 2019-11-06 10:50 - alignments/ 2014-12-12 08:35 -